Home » At Least 1,300 Migrants Leave Honduras for Guatemala
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At Least 1,300 Migrants Leave Honduras for Guatemala

According to the International Organization for Migration, at least 5,800 people arrived last Sunday in the city of Danlí.

Around 1,300 migrants of various nationalities left eastern Honduras for Guatemala on Thursday to continue on their way to the United States.

The group of citizens left in 18 buses in compliance with the order of the Honduran Government in coordination with the authorities of the Danlí town and other public institutions to allow the transfer of migrants to the area of ​​Agua Caliente on the border with Guatemala.

The Coordination Manager of the Danlí Delegation of the National Migration Institute, Wilfredo Escoto, indicated that they cannot continue to shelter migrants.

“We are sorry, but we cannot give more, apart from the amnesty and the support with various institutions,” Escoto told dozens of migrants who could not travel tonight on the last bus that left for Aguacaliente, at 7:30 p.m. local time. (01.30 GMT on Friday).

It was learned that many of the migrants who left for the border with Guatemala had been crammed into tents and cardboard in a plaza near the center of Danlí for between five and fifteen days.

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), at least 5,800 people arrived last Sunday in the city of Danlí.

The departure of migrants to the border with Guatemala has been a relief for the city of Danlí, whose authorities this week were on the point of closing access to immigrants due to lack of capacity to care for them.

