Home » Putin’s comments make Vucic expect more fighting in Ukraine

Putin’s comments make Vucic expect more fighting in Ukraine

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin would “very toughly” continue fighting in Ukraine, judging by the statements of the Russian president. According to Mr. Vučić, Serbia expects big changes on the battlefield in a day or two or three.

“Based on what I could see from Putin’s statements, it is clear that he will continue the fighting in Ukraine very harshly, which, like the escalation of the conflict, will further complicate Serbia’s position in political, military and any other sense,” the President of Serbia said. (quote from RIA Novosti).

Earlier today, on February 21, Vladimir Putin delivered his traditional address to the Federal Assembly. The President, in particular, said that Russia would have to push the threat further from its borders, the more long-range systems will be delivered to Ukraine.

In addition, during the message, Vladimir Putin announced the suspension of Russia’s participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty (START) and called for new agreements to take into account the arsenal of France and Great Britain. If the United States tests new types of nuclear weapons, Russia will do the same, the Russian president added.

On February 11, Mr. Vučić announced that the intensity of hostilities in Ukraine would intensify. In his opinion, a few months ago “it seemed clear that Ukraine, with the huge support of the collective West, is winning,” but now everything is “not so clear-cut.”

source: kommersant
