Home » Ukraine still awaits 25% of Western heavy weapons – study

Ukraine still awaits 25% of Western heavy weapons – study

According to an analysis by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), Ukraine has yet to receive at least a quarter of the heavy weapons that the West has promised to provide.

This was told to RND by IfW expert Andre Frank, European Truth reports .

“Donor countries have so far supplied Ukraine with 65 to 75% of the promised heavy weapons,” Frank said. IfW regularly publishes its Ukraine Support Tracker, which analyzes the commitments of Western countries to help Ukraine.

The deliveries of tanks by European countries and the United States, announced after the meeting in the Ramstein format on January 20, are not included in the updated Ukraine Support Tracker study.

The US has outpaced the European Union and its largest economy, Germany, in helping Ukraine, according to a new IfW report. According to the study, the United States has pledged 73 billion euros in support to Ukraine from January 2022, while the EU has pledged 54.9 billion euros.

“The Americans set the pace in supporting Ukraine. European indecision in the first year of the war is an amazing phenomenon, especially since financial resources can be quickly mobilized,” IfW expert Christophe Trebusch said.

According to him, this is evidenced, for example, by the amount of financial assistance that governments provided to mitigate the price shock in their countries. Germany alone has announced more than 250 billion euros in subsidies since the beginning of last year to cushion rising energy prices for consumers and businesses.

When it comes to the volume of military, financial and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Germany ranks third after the US and the UK. However, if we take into account the costs of refugees from Ukraine, then Germany ranks second.

According to the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the resulting rise in energy prices cost the German economy about $100 billion , or 2.5% of gross domestic product.

source: pravda
