Home » Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Danilov: Ukraine Has Changed the Tactics of Counteroffensive
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Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Danilov: Ukraine Has Changed the Tactics of Counteroffensive

Ukraine has changed tactics at this stage of the offensive, and now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are more focused on weakening the Russian army, rather than moving forward. Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), spoke about this.

“At the moment, the Ukrainian armed forces (APU) are more focused on weakening the Russian army, and not on moving forward,” Strana.ua reports Danilov’s words. He added that the main task is to inflict maximum damage on manpower, equipment, fuel depots, ammunition, command posts, artillery and air defense of the Russian army. Now the war has become a struggle not for territory, but for the numerical destruction of enemy forces, Danilov concluded.

Earlier it became known that Ukraine will focus on  terrorist acts , as it is a more cost-effective way of conducting military operations that has fewer losses for the military. Military analyst Boris Dzherelievsky said that Kyiv has limited military capabilities and little chance of a successful counteroffensive.

Source : ura.ru
