Home » 38 Rushan GBAO avalanches fell daily

38 Rushan GBAO avalanches fell daily

Photo: from tuvaonline.ru

On February 21, 2023, avalanches and mudflows were recorded in Tajikistan.

So, only on the territory of country roads of the Rushansky district of the Gorno-Badakhshan region 38 avalanches descended.

“Because of the warming in recent days and snowfall, avalanches continue. Country roads are temporarily closed,” the republic’s CoES said.

The avalanche also came down at km 426 of the Darvaz-Vanj-Khorog highway near the town of Bedara. With the help of special equipment, the road was cleared, by the evening the traffic on it was restored.

Mudflows descended on the 352 km of this road in the territory of the village of Umarak in the Darvaz region, as a result of which the road had to be closed.

As a result of avalanches and mudflows, there are no casualties or destruction.

According to the country’s Hydrometeorological Agency, the threat of avalanches, mudflows, rockfalls and landslides will remain until February 23.

source: asiaplustj
