Home » China’s Top Legislator Holds Talks With Honduran National Congress President
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China’s Top Legislator Holds Talks With Honduran National Congress President

China’s top legislator Zhao Leji held talks with Luis Redondo, president of the National Congress of Honduras, in Beijing on Thursday.

Zhao, chairman of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, said that the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Honduras earlier this year was a major political decision of historic significance made by the two heads of state, and that it has opened a new chapter in the development of bilateral relations between the two countries.

Zhao expressed China’s willingness to work with Honduras to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, promote communication and cooperation in various fields, and push for the sustained and steady development of bilateral relations.

Zhao noted that China highly appreciates Honduras’ firm adherence to the one-China principle and firmly supports Honduras’ efforts to safeguard its national sovereignty and independence, promote its development and improve its people’s well-being.

China welcomes Honduras to join the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and is willing to accelerate the synergy of development strategies and promote new achievements in practical cooperation, Zhao said. He noted that China appreciates Honduras’ support for the global initiatives China has put forward, and hopes to strengthen coordination on multilateral occasions to promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.

The NPC of China is willing to facilitate dialogue and exchanges with the National Congress of Honduras, consolidate political mutual trust, and work with Honduras to safeguard the achievements of diplomatic ties between the two countries, Zhao said.

The legislatures of the two countries should carry out their duties fully, improve legal systems further to create a sound legal environment for investment, cooperation and personnel exchanges, and serve as a bridge for exchanges between communities to consolidate popular support for bilateral relations, he said.

He also noted that China is willing to increase exchanges with Honduras on governance experience, as well as on developing economy and improving people’s livelihoods.

Redondo said the establishment of diplomatic ties between Honduras and China was of historic significance.

Honduras adheres firmly to the one-China principle, and supports and actively participates in global initiatives such as the BRI, which are significant contributions that China has made to the progress of human civilization, Redondo said.

The National Congress of Honduras is willing to strengthen cooperation with the NPC of China and make contributions to the bright future of common prosperity of the two countries, he added.

Source : English News
