Home » Medical Plant Moved to Costa Rica Costing 100 Jobs
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Medical Plant Moved to Costa Rica Costing 100 Jobs

A Merseyside medical plant producing vital NHS equipment is to be shipped to Costa Rica at the cost of more than 100 jobs.

Terumo Europa NV, in Knowsley, employs 110 people make specialist cardiovascular and oncology equipment for the NHS.

But on Thursday [24 October] it is set to close after more than 25 years.

Karen Lewis, GMB Organiser, said:

“This loyal, majority woman workforce made life saving equipment for the NHS – many of them had worked at the plant since they left school.

“They worked tirelessly through the pandemic and their reward is to have their jobs taken away so the company can make a few more quid.

“This is another nail in the UK manufacturing coffin.”

Ann Brady, Terumo worker, said:

“To say this redundancy notice was quite a shock is an understatement.

“Our sales, productivity and efficiency were at their peak.

“Finding out that Terumo’s production was to be re-located to Costa Rica was quite confusing, then the reality hit home – this was simply a money-making exercise.

”It’s been a tough 18 months since we found out our fate.

“I can honestly say hand on heart, this has been one of the best places I have ever worked.

“The operatives and managers alike are all amazing people. I personally will miss them all a great deal.”

Source : GMB
