Home » Nicaragua and Honduras Conduct Joint Operation
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Nicaragua and Honduras Conduct Joint Operation

The Sandino-Morazán joint military operation between the armies of Nicaragua and Honduras guarantee maintaining high levels of security and stability on the common border, the Nicaraguan Armed Forces said.

A recent report released by the military body highlighted the importance of the operation, as it ensures a climate of peace and tranquility for the population residing along the border areas between the two countries.

The main objectives of the operation, which has been carried out for several years, are combating drug trafficking, organized crime, smuggling and other threats to national security and sovereignty.

The report specified that the 20th phase of the operation took place between October 2nd and 16th, and its results were described as positive.

Criminals were captured, drugs, weapons, money and other illegal items were seized, and 138 migrants were detained.

Military personnel, aircraft, vehicles and special forces teams are deployed on both sides of the border as part of the operation to carry out patrols, controls, searches, arrests of people and seizures of property involved in illicit activities.

Last Monday, the commander in chief of the Nicaraguan Army, Julio César Avilés, and the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Honduran Armed Forces, Jorge Fortín Aguilar, held a working meeting to strengthen friendship, cooperation and collaboration between both armed forces.

The extension of the operation, whose name pays tribute to the national heroes Augusto C. Sandino and Francisco Morazán, stood out among the agreements of the meeting.

Source : Plenglish
