Home » Ukrainian Soldiers Advanced in the Melitopol Direction, There Are Successes Near Bakhmut
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Ukrainian Soldiers Advanced in the Melitopol Direction, There Are Successes Near Bakhmut

Ukrainian soldiers continue their offensive in two directions – Melitopol and Bakhmut. Defenders have local successes.

Melitopol direction

The Ukrainian military in the directions Novodanilovka – Novoprokopovka and Malaya Tokmachka – Ocheretuvate in the Zaporozhye region were successful. The defenders are fixed on the achieved lines, and also work with artillery on the identified enemy targets, carry out measures of counter-battery combat.


The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue offensive operations in the Bakhmut direction. The defense forces are advancing south of the city of Bakhmut. They are fixed on the achieved boundaries.

Invader attacks

As the speaker noted, the Russian occupiers conducted unsuccessful offensive operations in the areas of Avdiivka, Maryinka and Novomikhailovka of the Donetsk region.

“The enemy is suffering significant losses in personnel, weapons and equipment. It is moving units and troops, actively using reserves,” Kovalev added.

Also, the Defense Forces continue to hold back the offensive of the invaders in the Kupyansky, Limansky and Bakhmutsky directions. There are heavy battles. During the day there were 35 combat clashes.

Ukraine continues counteroffensive

Recall that this summer our defenders began offensive operations in southern Ukraine. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have liberated more than 10 settlements in Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions. Recently, Ukrainian fighters entered the village of Robotino, Zaporozhye region, and planted a Ukrainian flag there.

Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue their offensive on the flanks near Bakhmut. As the military command notes, there are also successes there.

Source : RBC
