Home » Costa Rica Alert Due to Increase in Respiratory Viruses in Children
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Costa Rica Alert Due to Increase in Respiratory Viruses in Children

Costa Rican health authorities warned, once again, about the increase in respiratory diseases in children, which maintains 134 percent occupancy in the main children’s hospital.

In that pediatric center, there has been a constant increase in cases during the last month caused by different viral agents, and more since the previous week the respiratory syncytial virus, followed by the human rhinovirus, reported Carlos Jiménez, acting general director of the National Children’s Hospital. In announcing the efforts to provide care to all patients who require specialized care, he pointed out that to this day the hospital’s occupancy is 134 percent over the normal supply of respiratory beds, which were expanded from 67 to 99.

The official explained that 95 patients are admitted for acute respiratory disease, five of them for Covid-19 and 90 for other viral agents, such as the presence of respiratory syncytial virus, human rhinovirus, influenza A, parainfluenza 1, and adenovirus.

To these are added a total of 20 minors hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 12 in Emergencies who have requirements for that unit, he stressed.

Given these figures and with the return to school, after the mid-term vacation, the Minister of Health, Mary Munive, asked the population to ensure the care of minors, and follow the recommendations issued by the institution.

