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Brazil to Attend G7 Meeting as Guest

President Lula will be in Japan during the G7 summit. Finance minister Fernando Haddad will join the discussions next week. The forum consists of the world’s seven major industrialized countries.

Brazil will attend the meeting of the Group of Seven (G7) later this month in Japan as a guest. The forum consists of the world’s seven major industrialized countries — France, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada, and Brazil is one of the nations invited that are not part of G7.

The participation of president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was confirmed to ANBA by the press office of the Presidency on Friday (5). The summit will take place on May 19 and 20. Lula was invited by the Japanese prime minister Fumio Kishida, who asked him to visit his country.

Brazil’s Finance minister Fernando Haddad will participate in next Friday’s meeting of Finance ministers and central bank governors. According to information from the Ministry of Economy, this is the first time in history a Brazilian Finance minister participates a guest of a G7 meeting, which demonstrates the relevance of Brazil in the global economic and political stage.

Haddad will participate in collective and bilateral talks regarding topics such as the World Bank reform, green industry policy, and the G20 presidency to be taken over by Brazil in 2024. The minister travels to Japan with a focus on reinforcing the relevance of Brazil in the global stage, discussing reforms necessary for the economy, and establishing ties with both G7 players and guests.

The Brazilian minister will also have talks with US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen and US economist Joseph Stiglitz, who’s a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics. He will also meet India’s minister Nirmala Sitharaman Japan’s Economy minister Yasutoshi Nishimura. The Brazilian minister will participate in Friday’s appointment and return to Brazil on Saturday (13).

Source : ANBA
