Home » Czech Voices: No to US Bases in the Country and the West’s Sanctions Against Russia Hinder Peace
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Czech Voices: No to US Bases in the Country and the West’s Sanctions Against Russia Hinder Peace

Former Czech President Vaclav Klaus criticized the West’s imposition of sanctions on Russia, stressing that these sanctions do not achieve peace in Ukraine.

Klaus said in an interview with the Slovak Radio and Television Corporation: “Instead of imposing sanctions, appropriate steps must be taken that lead to ending the war through peaceful talks, and now is the time to act effectively to end it.”

Klaus explained that high-level talks must be held between Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden, to achieve peace in Ukraine, because the West, especially the United States, is a party to this war.

Klaus considered that holding talks with the head of the Ukrainian regime, Vladimir Zelensky, does not solve the problem and does not lead to peace. Rather, a compromise must be reached at a higher level between the Russian and American presidents.

In another context, the deputy head of the Moravian Czech Communist Party, Milan Krajca, called on the country’s parliament to hold a debate or vote on rejecting the presence of American or foreign forces in the Czech lands, after the positions expressed by the majority of Czech citizens in this regard.

Krecha revealed in a press statement that the petition put forward by the party regarding the refusal to place US or other foreign military bases in the Czech Republic has been signed by more than ten thousand Czech citizens, which requires the country’s parliament to hold a debate and vote on this matter.

Kraica explained that the signatories to the petition expressed their rejection of any foreign military presence, and their call to the country’s officials to reject any foreign military presence, the establishment of bases, or the placement of weapons in the Czech lands.

Kraica pointed out that among the signatories are writer Carl Cisse, spokeswoman for the “No Rules” initiative Eva Novotna, journalist Monica Hurgeni and former presidential candidate Josef Skala.

Source: Sana
